DVD Pricing
You have found the most competitive DVD duplication and printing prices in Minnesota and the Midwest. Your cost per DVD disc decreases if you order larger quantities. For orders larger than what you see here, or if you have a project that is not covered on our price list, please give us a call @ 952.451.7939 to discuss. Click here for same day, 24 & 48 hour rush jobs.
DVD, Print Only, Black on Silver
4.7 Gigabyte capacity silver DVD featuring professional, digital, monochrome printing directly to the disc.

DVD, Print Only, Full Color
4.7 Gigabyte capacity DVD featuring professional, digital, full color printing directly to the disc.

I can't thank you enough for all of your help. The CDs came today, they are perfect. The label is lovely, the content (when I spot check) is correct, and they stuffed them into the paper sleeves. Oh, and yes, they came three days early. Now that is service!
DVD, Printing & Duplication, Black on Silver
4.7 Gigabyte capacity silver DVD featuring professional, digital, monochrome printing directly to the disc - data loading included.

DVD, Printing & Duplication, Full Color
4.7 Gigabyte capacity DVD featuring professional, digital, full color printing directly to the disc - data loading included.

DVD 9 Dual-Layer, Printing & Duplication
9 Gigabyte capacity DVD featuring professional, digital, full-color printing directly to the disc.

DVD, Printing & Duplication, Retail Ready
DVD, Duplicated & Printed, Printed Case Wrap in Amaray Box*

*Shrinkwrap is optional (10¢/piece extra)
**General turn time is 7-10 business days. For production times of 3-5 business days add $0.25 per disc.
Mini DVD, Printing & Duplication, Full Color
1.4 Gigabyte capacity Mini DVD featuring professional, digital, full-color printing directly to the disc.

Quick Quote Form:
Woohoo! Now we're cookin'!

Bulk Packaging
*Price includes insertion when ordered with printing and duplication.
Disc Master Policy
It is your responsibility to ensure that your content is free of errors.
Need CD or DVD packaging? No problem. We can print it and package it for you - just ask for details!
We will not just make your CD or DVD, but we can also package and ship them anywhere. Call anytime:
Replication VS. Duplication
What's the difference? Which will you use on my project? We look at each job individually and use the process best suited to your project, saving you valuable time and money.